This is the last article in the series of reverse lookup in excel. Unless you are already versed with Reverse Lookup, consider checking below 2 articles first;

Reverse Lookup & Reverse Lookup with duplicates

Now using VBA we are going to look up the date, time and Jobs assigned to Joy Bell

Reverse Lookup VBA

Go to Developer→Visual BAsic→Insert Module and copy below code

Now you can call the custom function on the worksheet.

Function ReverseLookup(Staff As Range, Lookuptable As Range)

 DatesRow = Lookuptable.Rows(1).Row - 1
 TimeColumn = Lookuptable.Columns(1).Column - 2
 JobColumn = Lookuptable.Columns(1).Column - 1

ReverseLookup = ""

For Each cell In Lookuptable

If cell.Value = Staff.Value Then

ReverseLookup = ReverseLookup & Cells(DatesRow, cell.Column).Value
 & " " & Cells(cell.Row, TimeColumn).Value 
  & " " & Cells(cell.Row, JobColumn).Value & Chr(10)

End If

Next cell
End Function

Here is the Breakdown:

►Create a Function and pass two parameters

Function ReverseLookup(Staff As Range, Lookuptable As Range)
  1.  What to lookup (Staff As Range)
  2. Where to Lookup (Lookuptable As Range)

►Declare what you want to return:

  • Dates which are  1 row above the lookup table ( DatesRow = Lookuptable.Rows(1).Row – 1   )
  • Times which are  2  columns from the lookup table (TimeColumn = Lookuptable.Columns(1).Column – 2)
  • Jobs which are  1  columns from the lookup table (JobColumn = Lookuptable.Columns(1).Column – 1)
    NB: The Time Value have to be formatted as text first

►Declare a variable that will hold your results.

ReverseLookup = ""

NB. The variable should be in the same Name as your Function

►Declare a variable that the function will loop through

For Each cell In Lookuptable

If cell.Value = Staff.Value Then

For every cell that meets the above criteria, return the Date, Time and  Job & separate the result(s) with a carriage return (&Chr(10))

ReverseLookup = ReverseLookup & Cells(DatesRow, cell.Column).Value 
  & " " & Cells(cell.Row, TimeColumn).Value 
    & " " & Cells(cell.Row, JobColumn).Value & Chr(10)

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