How to Sort Data from Right to Left

How to Sort Data from Right to Left

Excel sorts data from top to bottom by default, but there is an easy way to sort it from right to left. For example, how do you alphabetically sort the below sets of meals from right to left? Here are the steps to follow: Select all the data, including the column...
When The TRIM Function Doesn’t Work

When The TRIM Function Doesn’t Work

Invisible characters are a great threat to accurate results when working with texts. Trim functions work well to remove Char(32) [spaces] but not Char(160) [non-break space] characters. The solution to cleaning non-break spaces is using the SUBSTITUTE function....
How to SUM Data Per Week Using Pivot Table

How to SUM Data Per Week Using Pivot Table

If you love low-code solutions then sum data per week using a pivot table is the way to go. The only trick here is to remember, Pivot tables lack the Week grouping. A way around this issue is to group 7 days together. See the below Video for steps to follow: DOWNLOAD...