About Our Firm

CrispExcel Training & Consulting Ltd is a leading training and consulting firm in all matters relating to data management & analytics.

Started as a blog in 2016 to address excel data illiteracy, but has grown to provide business solutions, training, and services covering Human Resource Management, Data Management & Analytics, and Supply Chain & Sustainability tailor-made to client needs.

Our Core Values


Through the years we have faced and solved so many issues such that we feel confident there is nothing our network of professionals & us cannot handle in matters relating to Data Management, Analytics, HR Management & Supply Chain


We leave no stone unturned in our search for the ultimate & sustainable solution


Without Huff & Fluff Solutions

Who We Are

We Are Certified Data Management & Analytics Experts

We are Microsoft Certified, IHRM Certified, NITA Certified and Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply Certified trainers and consultants.

Our solutions, training, and services provided are aimed at the client gaining potential competitive advantages by improving operational effectiveness and enabling better decision-making

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National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)
National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)

Other Certifications

We believe for us to provide value to our clients we have to add value to ourselves first

Microsoft Forms
SSRS icon

Our Story

We started as a one-man blog back in June 2016. Today we are a fully registered company and a NITA accredited Training Provider.

From the start-up to now the major aim has been to fight data illiteracy in all professions, from HR, Finance, Supply chain, Operations to Sales staff.

We believe if you go through our blogs, training, or consultancy and don’t learn anything new, then we have failed you. And you should demand your money back

To ensure we recommend sustainable solutions we follow the below guidelines:

⭐ In search of solutions, we always ask ourselves, “How else can we solve this?” We don’t like being stuck in the old, tried and trendy ways

⭐ After getting the solution, we always ask ourselves, “What else can this solution solve?” We don’t just solve problems, we anticipate them.

⭐ We believe It’s better to have data-literate staff with less optimal technology than have an ultra-modern tech with data illiterate staff.

⭐ We believe the pull from staff who want to make more data-based decisions, develop more intelligent business processes, or embed data and analytics into more products and services is a better investment than the push for better technology.

Our Guiding Philosophy

🚀 There is always more than 1 way of doing anything
alternatives are the spice of life.


🚀 Learning how to read, analyze, communicate & use data in decision making is the fuel that drives the growth.


🚀 All organizational achievements success boils down to its Human Resources.



⭐ Clean: Without Huff & Fluff


⭐ Ultimate diligence in all engagement


⭐ Going beyond the extra mile


⭐ We leave no stone unturned in search of the ultimate solution

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