Of all lookup functions, HLOOKUP is among the least famous ones.
It looks up a value in the first row and returns any corresponding item in another row.
Look up value MUST be in the top row of a table.
How do you make it return multiple items?
It’s default setting is to return a single value
Using the data below, how do you return the least expensive suppliers per item quoted?
- To return multiple items you need to use the column value as a lookup value
- You need to create a table array where the Column Values are on the top row
- You need to loop through column values one at a time
=IFERROR( HLOOKUP( SMALL( IF(tblQuote[@]=MIN(tblQuote[@]),COLUMN(tblQuote[@])), COLUMN(A1)), CHOOSE( {1;2},COLUMN(tblQuote[@]),tblQuote[#Headers]), 2,FALSE ), "")
Watch the Full Video on LOOKUP functions Returning Multiple Items
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