Reverse lookup of numbers is easier than that of texts.
Reverse Lookup Numbers
For example, how do you look up the appointment date and time for a patient in the below data?
The below video explains the steps
⭐ It is possible to create an array of Date and Time because Excel stores Date as integers and Time as a fraction of 24 hours
The issue becomes more complex when reverse-looking up text.
Reverse Lookup Text
For example, how do you return the Doctor & Session for a patient below?
See step by step video below
=INDEX( Doctors&" - "&Sessions, MAX(IF(Clients=F5,ROW(Clients)-ROW(Sessions),"")), MAX(IF(Clients=F5,COLUMN(Clients)-COLUMN(Doctors),"")) )
The trick here is using the MAX and IF functions to return both the Row and Column numbers
Also, when returning the row/column number, remember to adjust the count to start after the headers.
Using PowerQuery to Reverse Lookup
Here are the 5 steps
Step 1:
Get data from the Criteria table and load it as a connection only
Then get data from the Appointment table
Step 2:
Select the doctor’s column from the appointment table and unpivot other columns. Then filter it using any patient name.
Step 3:
Convert the criteria table to a single value by drilling down on the value
Step 4:
Replace the temporary filter with the criteria.
Step 5
Modify the filtered appointment table and load it out to an existing worksheet.
Using PowerQuery LeftOuter Join to Reverse Lookup
Here is an alternative using Left-Outer Join.
Step 1:
Get data from the Criteria table and load it as a connection only
Then get data from the Appointment table
Step 2:
Select the doctor’s column from the appointment table and unpivot other columns. Then filter it using any patient name.
Step 3:
Merge the Criteria with the appointment table where the criteria equal to the Patients
Step 4
Expand the merged query, remove the unnecessary columns and load it as a table
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